The Invalid at the Pool
Many are looking for that luck of the draw moment to rescue them from life’s challenges. In John 5, we see Jesus heal a paralytic that could not get himself into a known antidote of healing on time. In modern times, people are still waiting around the pool of lottery, border crossing and the like to find their moment of elevation. Would the church have a solution for whosoever desires to be whole of whatsoever ails them?
Post Resurrection Haul of Fish
Without the Disciples knowing it is him, Jesus, challenges the disciples to fish again and they bring an unnatural haul of fish. We see how the disciples are waiting on this appearance of the Lord and a strong possibility as to why there are so many fish.
The Blind, Dumb, Sick and Diseased
In the latter half of Matthew 9, we see that faith is seeing beyond your circumstances according to God’s will.
Jairus’ Daughter
In moments of crisis, it’s difficult to think clearly or act effectively. Jairus, a ruler of a northern synagogue, whose daughter just died, demonstrates an effective way to approach God with honor and desperation to bring His power into a hopeless situation.
Woman Who was Made Straight
We see another sabbath healing, a woman with a severe spinal deformity. We see how she was unable to help herself, how we can be good ministers and how Jesus's call to her and subsequent healing is a great example of what he does in our lives.
The Garment Healings
People were healed when they touched Jesus's garment. We see futility of man's attempts and the identification of who Christ is, in his garment. Also, we learn of how our garments tell a story.
Paralytic Through The Roof
In this gospel story, as Jesus declares a man’s sins are forgiven, we see that a scornful heart will inhibit one’s ability to see God at work, even if it’s right in front of them.
Salvation Was Never The End Goal
Guest Speaker Myles Cheadle shows how God uses the wilderness to sanctify us for His glory.
The Widow’s Son
In Luke 7, we find Jesus resurrecting a widow’s son from the dead, picturing our spiritual resurrection in Christ.
Healing of the Centurion's Servant
We see how the Centurion invested in good relationships and sought the things of God before he had a need. We also see the simplicity of authority and speaking on someone's behalf.
Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand
We see the Pharisees attempting to ensnare Jesus with a healing on the Sabbath in the Synagogue. Jesus expounds on the Sabbath and their laws, heals the man; restoring his hand to function.
Coin in the Fish
Peter was questioned by a tribute collector about Jesus’ participation in the giving. What is a seemingly straightforward task of retrieval becomes a deeper lesson on the freedom and provision given to God’s children.
Healing of Deaf and Dumb
In our continuing series on Jesus's miracles, we look at the healing of the man who could not hear and had a speech impediment, often called 'healing of the deaf and dumb'. Jesus interacts very personally with the man and we see how this is a picture of what Jesus does in the life of a believer.
The Water Walk
The second time the disciples find themselves in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus is not in the boat with them. This passage reinfoces the truth that the trials that the Lord allows to manifest in our lives brings insight into our true nature and the nature of the Father. When we are in the Lord’s Spirit, we will reflect Him as His children.
The Storm Calmed
As Jesus and his disciples cross the Sea of Galilee, we see two very different responses to the storms of life. Jesus’ response is not only a lesson in finding peace in God, but also reveals his holy authority over all of creation.
The Maniac of Gadera
We look at the healing of the Maniac at Gadera. We address two supposed contradictions in the accounts. We also see the true authority Christ has and the impact of a ministry that changes lives.
The Healing of the Ten Lepers
We look at the healing of the ten lepers and how only one returned back to praise the Lord for his healing.
Feeding of the 5,000
We look at the miracle of feed the 5,000 (men, plus women and children). We break the four accounts into similar aspects and discuss each.
The Call of Peter
We take a dive into the interaction of Jesus and Peter before Christ calls Peter to follow him. It involves the use of Peter's boat and the following of a simple, but irrational command.
The Nobleman’s Son
There is a stark contrast between Jesus’ ministry to the Samaritans and the neighboring Galileans. Through the study of John 4, we see that no matter the ministry method, God ultimately desires for all to come to belief in His son Jesus.