Amos Proclaims Judgment on the Nation
We see how God's people have perpetually battled enemies and God's judgment on them. But we see why that judgment comes.
ARISE: Nahum
Nahum 3 is the account of the manifold sins that Nineveh has committed, leading to the city’s final judgment.
ARISE: Nahum 2
In Nahum chapter 2, the prophet foretells of a mighty army, consisting of the Babylonians and the Medes, advancing on Nineveh. In this overtaking of Assyria’s capital, we see an example of the Lord using wicked nations against each other to enact judgment.
ARISE: Nahum 1
The book of Nahum is a continuation of the narrative of Jonah, but from a future prophetic perspective, declaring the destruction of Nineveh by the Babylonian empire. Nahum chapter one begins God declaring the love for His people (Judah) and the vengeance that He will take on His enemies.
Responding to God Blessing Others
We see that Jonah is angry with God's forgiveness. He is further angry when the gourd is removed. We explore how to Biblically respond to God blessing others.
Obedience is Fruitful
In our series of the Minor Prophets, we see Jonah's second chance to be obedient and how that impacts the great city of Ninevah.
Little Town of Bethlehem
In association with our class Christmas celebration, we take a look at Bethlehem and why Jesus was born there.
Jonah: Signs, Types and Antitypes
The parallels of Jonah and Christ are undeniable. We look at the application and limits of signs and types.
A Call, A Choice, A Cost
Jonah was given a clear directive by God and chose to disobey him. We look at that decision and the consequences of it.
ARISE: Joel 3
When the Lord Jesus returns for the second time, to end the tribulation and execute the day of judgment against the nations, He will reestablish His kingdom in Jerusalem for a thousand years, pouring out spiritual and physical blessing upon His people.
ARISE: Joel 2
In parallel to the the locusts that brought famine upon the land of Judah in Joel’s time, Joel sees a future in chapter two, where a mighty army comes and destroys the land. In light of this coming destruction, the Lord calls His people to repent and gives promise of a future healing, of both land and heart.
ARISE: Joel 1
The Mosaic covenant was broken repeatedly by the kings of Israel and Judah. The warnings of famine and exile, given long before in Deuteronomy, came to pass during the ministry of Joel. In chapter 1, we see the prophet calling God’s people to mourn and recognize the transpiring devastation as from the Lord.
ARISE: An introduction to the Minor Prophets
We take a look at the minor prophets in preparation for our new series. We test our preconceived knowledge and understand the circumstances in which they lived and importance of the Minor Prophets to our lives today.
The Resurrection of Christ
We look at the miracle of the resurrection. We review some of the logistics of the event, and understand the complete trinity role in it. Lastly, we see the impact to believers of this greatest miracle.
Restoring Sight to Bartimaeus
We look at the miracle of Jesus restoring sight to blind Bartimaeus.
The Withered Fig Tree
God desires fruit out of the lives of His people that brings glory to His name. Israel, like the barren fig tree, was not producing fruit for the Lord, but had rejected His word and were plotting to murder His Son. Their stewardship was withered like the cursed fig tree, ushering in the time of the Gentiles (the Church age).
Raising of Lazarus
We look at the miracle of the raising of Lazarus from the dead and how Jesus establishes the timeline to teach and the decision point we have knowing of this resurrection power.
The Healing of Malchus's Ear
We see the circumstances leading up to Peter cutting off Malchus's ear in the Garden and who was really in charge. We dive into why Jesus says to have a sword.
The Feeding of the 4,000
Jesus’ second feeding miracle in the wilderness is another great picture of a shepherd caring for His flock. Through this example, we learn that ministry can be both directed toward those in need and a tool for developing growing leaders.