Victory in Feasts
God commands the children of Israel to set aside time each year for 3 feasts. We look at the value of this, the risks of missing the point and the picture of the future.
Victory in Judgment
We look at the judgments presented to Moses by God, which cover a wide range of real life scenarios and how to deal with them.
Victory in Right Relationships
We see how the issuing of the 10 Commandments, response to the Lord moving and principles of sacrifice at the altar point us to a right relationship with the Lord.
The Servant’s Ministry Scrutinized
Jesus continues His preaching and healing ministry, but is under intense scrutiny from the hard-hearted religious leaders.
Victory in Sanctification
We see the Lord's interaction with the children of Israel has expectations and those expectations give us insight to living a sanctified life; we explore sanctification.
Victory in Assistance
We look at Jethro's counsel to Moses and how Moses implements structure to provide assistance in ministry.
1 Peter Introduction
Pastor Will Mata walks us through an introduction to the book of 1 Peter, showing the power of God’s grace in the life of average men and women.
Victory in Testimony
We look at Moses' testimony before Jethro and how powerful a personal testimony is. We include a strong example and allow small group time to work on our individual testimonies.
Victory in Battle
Amalek attacks the Children of Israel and they respond in battle; battle which is one first spiritually and then by not being weary.
What’s up with all the lambs?!
Why are lambs a biblical theme throughout the Old and New Testament? In this sermon, we will see through the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, God’s atonement for our sin.
Victory in Decision
The Children of Israel, for a third time, lack faith for provision. Their sin escalating to doubting God's presence. The Lord instructs Moses in ministry leadership through provision.
Victory in Attention
We see how to Biblically respond to challenges in our lives and to give attention to how God is working in them.
Victory in Provision
We see the Lord convert bitter waters to sweet after the Red Sea and how the Children of Israel handled that situation and how we should handle similar challenges in our lives.
The Servant’s Ministry Begins
As Jesus’ public ministry begins in the book of Mark, we find Jesus ministering with authority and compassion, resulting in the sick healed, lepers cleansed and demons cast out.
Victory in Deliverance
We see Israel's faith test and deliverance at the Red Sea and at the same time we see Pharaoh's judgment. Deliverance and Judgment are coupled.
Victory in Direction
We look at how God chose a much harder path for the Children of Israel, but with a purpose.
The Servant’s Identity
This introduction to the Gospel of Mark covers four witnesses of Jesus Christ being the Son of God.
Victory in Observing
God commands the children of Israel to observe memorials and ordinances. We see how important it is to pass these concepts down to our children (physical and spiritual).
The Pleading Prayer of the Barren
Amidst the anguish of physical barrenness and the spiritual depravity of her nation, God used Hannah to raise up a faithful priest to establish the word of the Lord in Israel.