Victory in Sight
The darkness plague and Pharaoh's expulsion of Moses give us learnings about spiritual blindness and the consequences of not hearing the man of God.
Victory in Sticking Together
During the plagues, Pharoah offers for only partial obedience by allowing the men and children to leave; we look at the concepts of unity and ensuring all can participate in the mission.
Bible Q&A: Virgin Birth / Bethlehem / Lineages
We explore why Jesus' birth needed to be of a virgin and why in Bethlehem. This includes an understanding of the differences presented in the lineages.
Victory in Response
We look at Pharaoh's response that he had sinned and the potential responses to the understanding that you have sinned.
Victory in Supply
We see how the Egyptian most likely take the cattle of the children of Israel, but God provides for the purpose of sacrifice.
Victory in Separation
We see the change in the impact of the plagues as God prevents the Egyptian Magicians from performing the same miracles and protecting the Children of Israel in Goshen.
Ready and Willing: A Character Study
A character study of Andrew and how he represents a good disciple of Christ
Bible Q&A: Jesus Learning Obedience
The question surrounds the concept of how Jesus LEARNED obedience given that he was God in the flesh (and God is omniscient).
Beginning with the End in Mind
This week we will look at why God designated a city of refuge in Joshua 20.
Victory In Immediacy
We see how Pharoah delayed obedience and submission regarding the plague of frogs. We see how God desires to act immediately in our lives if we submit.
Victory in Delegated Authority
We see interesting interactions between God, Moses, Aaron and Pharoah. There are lessons regarding how delegated authority works and other biblical scenarios where it is seen.
Victory in Remembrance
Moses is weakened in his faith due to circumstances, but God reiterates His commands, charge and promise. Moses just needed to remember.
Bible Q&A: What happens to the Body, Soul and Spirit when we die?
In this Q&A session, we explore the triune nature of man, and what happens to each of the body soul and spirit for OT saints and NT believers (even those at the rapture).
Victory in Accountability
We take a look at how God gives us opportunity before holding us accountable. We also see how to respond to accountability.
Victory in Unity
Aaron is sent to find Moses in the wilderness and the results of ministry in unity are amazing.
Victory in Obedience
Moses beginning the journey back to Egypt to follow the Lord's direction for delivering the people, but the Lord meets him to kill him. We look at how obedience is more important than our involvement in the mission.
Bible Q&A: Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
We look at the two main schools of thought regarding Jesus' quote on the cross; analyzing the Messianic Ps 22 and the Payment for Sin.
Victory in Communing
We look at how the Lord allowed Aaron to speak for Moses and how Moses misses out because of his trust in his abilities instead of the Lord.
Victory in Power
The Lord empowers Moses with a message, a plan and perspective to deliver the children of Israel, but Moses is hesitant; so, the Lord engages miracles.