Discipleship Conference Review - Bearing Fruit
We look at one of the messages from the 2022 Discipleship Conference; Bearing Fruit out of John 15. We review the different types of branches and how to be fruit bearing.
The Discipleship Culture
Every church has a culture, but that doesn’t mean it’s discipleship culture. This week we will look at some of the distinctions of what a discipleship making culture looks like
Perfecting Love
Jesus redefines love by stretching the boundaries and context to love more than those who love you back. He places perfect love in the context of sacrifice.
Are Ye Able?
Jesus responds to James & John and their mother when approached about sitting near him in his kingdom and glory. We explore the differences in the passage and the commitments we make to the Lord.
Rendering unto God, that which is God's
Jesus is dealing with the pharisees who are attacking him, and he teaches a simple lesson that who/what someone is identified with, is whose he is.
Wilt thou be made whole?
Jesus heals a man who was seeking other solutions for his problems; those solutions created other problems. The spiritually minded minister must discern the true problems (aka root cause).
How many loaves have ye?
Jesus asks the disciples how much food they have to provide for those following him. We look at fasting and the responsibility of shepherds to provide. Lastly, the provision is often, right in our hands.
The Humanity in Christ's Resurrection
Jesus confronts his disciples regarding the fear they have at seeing him resurrected. His resurrection should not illicit fear, but rather communion
Counting the Cost and Bearing the Cross
Jesus in speaking to the multitudes challenges them to follow him to the point of counting the cost and bearing the cross, using interesting examples.
Which Did the Will of the Father?
We explore the questions Jesus asked around the parable of the two sons; one who said he would work, but didn't and the one who said he wouldn't but did.
Where are those thine accusers?
Jesus asks a woman caught in adultery, “where are those thine accusers?”". In this sermon we look at the purpose and application of the law and the ministry of grace.
Whom do ye say that I am?
Jesus asks who others say that He is, then ask the disciples, "but whom say ye that I am?". We look at the circumstances and the answers to these questions.
Gift Giving
We explore Jesus' questions around giving of gifts and how a good father gives good gifts
Little Faith, No Faith, Missing Faith
We look at Jesus' questions regarding the disciples Little Faith, No Faith, Missing Faith in the boat during the storm - each has different implications
Signs, signs, everywhere signs...
We look at Jesus' rebuke of Jewish leaders request for a sign.
What Seek Ye?
We look at John's two disciples who were 'sent' to Jesus and how they wanted to dwell with him.
Consider the Ravens and the Lillies
We explore Jesus' admonition to the disciples to not fret or worry about their lives in light of how God provides for His creation.
An Encounter with Christ: Receiving Sight
We look at Jesus healing Blind Bartimaeus; the perspectives and implications of this encounter.